Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

SIGs provide valuable support and growth opportunities for CPA members, both at annual conferences, and throughout the year! SIG leaders are encouraged to facilitate meetings and discussions throughout the year, formally or informally, and be responsive to CPA members who contact them regarding questions and needs related to the focus of the group. SIG leaders (and ongoing members) must be current members of the CPA.

Groups of CPA members sharing a common professional interest or specialization may form a SIG to enjoy:

    • Networking and peer collaboration
    • Meet at annual conferences and remotely (as organized by SIG leaders)

SIG leaders will (at minimum):

    • Facilitate a meeting or discussion at the annual CPA Conference
    • Be listed and function as points of contact for the SIG

SIG membership is open to all current CPA members who meet the listed criteria for the individual SIG. Visit the "Membership" tab in your Member Profile to learn more and request join the SIG(s) that fit your interests, needs and areas of expertise.

Current SIGs

Seminary Psychology & Assessments

Forum for discussion of  Vocational assessment instruments, counseling seminarians and best practice. 


Peer Consultation

This SIG is intended for clinical and student CPA members with a masters or doctoral degree in a mental health field to consult on patient/client cases. The focus will be exploring various clinical cases through Zoom or in local areas when possible. 

Catholic School & Parish-Based Counseling

This SIG provides a forum for clinicians and others who are interested in developing counseling services for Catholic Schools (preschool through University level) and parishes as well as those who are already providing services. 

CSBD Recovery and Integration SIG

This is a special interest group (SIG) for mental health clinicians and Catholic clergy who are interested in pursuing CSAT/PSAP/CPTT certification and/or those working in the area of assessment and treatment of individuals, couples, and families impacted by Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD, Sexual Addiction/Compulsivity). This special interest group (SIG) shares resources and consultation to support each other in the clinical and pastoral work of addressing CSBD anchored in the values and teachings of the Catholic Church.

Infant Mental Health

 The purpose of this SIG is to offer CPA members who work with or have backgrounds serving children prenatal through age 6 with a shared milieu for professional education, collaborative case analysis, and reflective support drawing from our faith and infant mental health perspectives. This group’s focus will be relationship-based approaches of keeping the baby in mind, rooted in a faith-integrated psychodynamic infant mental health philosophy that we best help infants and young children thrive by supporting the adults who are in their lives.

Catholicism & Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

This Special Interest Group is formed to explore and develop the intersections between the Catholic theological and philosophical tradition and various schools of classical and contemporary psychoanalytic thinking. Its purpose is to enhance the knowledge and practice of psychoanalysis and depth psychology to grow the psychotherapist’s mind and heart by means of this exploration.

ACT Interest Group

This Special Interest Group provides a forum for CPA members who are interested in the evidence-based treatments of CBT, ERP, ACT and Third Wave Therapies. We are particularly interested in the treatment of the human person from the perspective of Catholic anthropology. We accomplish this through discussion, mutual support, collaboration, education, and activities aimed at fostering professional growth. 

Emotionally Focused Therapy (Sue Johnson)

The purpose of this SIG is to offer CPA members a forum to enhance community and networking opportunities with other providers who work from an attachment / EFT framework; to provide opportunities for professional development and continuing education; to encourage collaboration on how to apply principles of EFT from a Catholic-integrated perspective; to create a safe and brave space for taking risks, learning and growing.

St. John Paul II Contributions to Psychology

The purpose of this SIG is to explore the contributions of St. John Paul II in his personalistic philosophy and theological writings to our understanding of the human person as it relates to the field of mental health. We will look at abstract principles as well as the way we can practically apply them in our work. 

Deliverance & Exorcism Ministry

This Special Interest group is designed for CPA members who are current Academic, Clinical and clergy or religious within other member classifications who are current, active participants in a ministry team, diocese, or collaboration with clergy.

Because of the sensitive nature of the subject matter, members who apply to join the DEM SIG will be expected to meet specific qualifying criteria.

Guidelines for Mental Health Professionals Supporting Persons Seeking Freedom from Possession and Other Spiritual Afflictions (2nd Edition)

CPA members interested in forming a new SIG may take the following steps:

1) Identify at least 2 CPA members who are interested in serving in the formation and leadership of the SIG, and who have some level of expertise and experience in the chosen area of interest.

2) Construct a title and description of the proposed SIG, similar to the information listed on current SIGs, including any criteria for joining the group. Submit this information to the Membership Committee Chair (jmazzone@catholicpsychotherapy.org).

3) Upon initial approval by Membership Committee Chair (and the CPA Board if deemed necessary), the SIG leader(s) will announce the formation of the new SIG via the CPA Listserv and Member News, inviting interested/qualified members to join.

4) When member interest has been verified with at least 5 additional CPA members indicating that they wish to join the new SIG, the SIG will be considered officially formed and posted on the CPA website.

Further steps and activity of the SIG will be determined by the SIG leaders in cooperation with the Membership Committee Chair and CPA staff.

Each January, SIG leaders will be asked by the Membership Committee Chair to:

1) Verify or update their status as official contact for and leader of the SIG, and

2) Select a meeting time within the schedule for the upcoming CPA conference.

The SIG contact/leader will function as the point of contact for interested CPA Members, and communicate with the CPA Board via the Membership Committee Chair regarding the activities of the SIG. Activity of SIGs beyond the minimum requirements listed above may include: meetings of SIG members throughout the year (e.g. monthly, quarterly), assembling and posting a resource page addressing the topic/needs of the SIG, facilitating a SIG Listserv (via CPA admin), promoting scholarly work related to the SIG topic via CPA webinar/poster/conference presentations or journal submission.

Deliverance & Exorcism Ministry                 

Jennifer Madere | jennifer@intuitus-group.com

Frank Moncher |moncherphd@gmail.com


Catholicism & Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Lisa Colangelo Fischer | lisafischer@cox.net

Angelyn Arden | angelyn.arden@gmail.com

Gabriel Crawford | gabriel@saintgeorgecounseling.org


Catholic School and Parish Based Counseling

Courtney Miller | cmiller@cssisus.org

Angelle Schott | accendocounseling@gmail.com


CBT/ERP/ACT and Third Wave Therapies                

Constance Salhany | csalhany@aol.com


Emotionally Focused Therapy (Sue Johnson) SIG

Jonathan Marcotte | jmarcotte@sgpsych.com

Hilary Towers | htowers@revelationscounseling.org


Infant Mental Health

Robin Treptow | robinlynnphd@icloud.com


Peer Consultation

Zach Dorsc | thezdorsch@gmail.com

Becky Ward | bward_313@comcast.net


Seminary Psychology & Assessment

Eric Gudan | dr.gudan@integritaspsych.com


St. John Paul II Contributions to Psychology           

Gregory Bottaro | drgreg@catholicpsych.com

Bryan Violette | drbryanv@gmail.com


Students & Emerging Leaders                      

Brittney Morales | brittney@cornerstonecounselingpb.com

Chris Stravitsch | chris@rejoicecounseling.com

Megan Morrison | mmorri17@outlook.com

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