
Integratus Subscription

A print (and online) subscription to Integratus: The Journal of the Catholic Psycotherapy Association is included with Clinical, Academic & Student memberships

Journal Committee Members

Anthony Isacco, PhD, Chatham University (Chair)

Jennifer Madere, MA, Intuitus Group 

Daniel Roberson, MS, Edify Mental Health

Larry G. Freeney, PhD, Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Richard Meeker, LISW-S, Independent Practice, Ohio District 5 Area on Aging

Milo Milburn, PhD. Franciscan University of Steubenville

Jonathan Alvarado (student representative), Franciscan University Stubenville

Co-editors of Integratus

Jesse Fox, PhD, Stetson University, (leave of absence summer 2024)

Robert Kugelmann, PhD, University of Dallas

Milo Milburn, PhD, Franciscan University of Steubenville, (interim co-editor summer 2024)

Associate editors

Rev. James Burns, PhD,  St. Mary’s University of Minnesota

Lisa Colangelo Fischer, PhD, ABPP, Creighton University

Keith Houde, PhD, Ave Maria University

Stephanie Swales, PhD, University of Dallas


The Journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association

The CPA Journal Committee has worked since 2020 toward forming a scholarly academic journal that will both serve as an avenue for growth and promotion of the work of members of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association and serve as a resource to clinicians, educators, ecclesial and lay persons. Integratus is among those areas supported by the Called to be Saints fundraising campaign. Click here to learn more about this effort and to offer your financial contribution in support of our mission.

Why is an academic journal important?

Accreditation of graduate and continuing education programs for mental health professionals requires instructors/presenters to reference recent literature that has been published in a peer-reviewed format such as a scholarly journal. Academic professionals, clinicians and students can likewise grow their career and contribute to the formation of fellow and future mental health professionals by submitting and reviewing work to be published in this journal. Thus, formation and publication of this journal is essential to the present and future existence and availability of solid Catholic mental health services.



Submit a Manuscript

Members and affiliates are invited to submit papers for consideration for publication.


Integratus will publish professional, peer-reviewed scholarship that integrates mental health sciences and Catholic thought. In addition to mental health professionals, Integratus will be a resource for Catholic clergy, men and women religious, pastoral ministers, lay ministers, and the broader public.

Aim of this journal is to harvest the untapped, rich psychological resources of the Catholic intellectual and spiritual traditions and offer them to the mental health fields to make innovative contributions to psychological theory, research, and practice. Integratus provides scholarship that informs and is informed by clinical practice, with a commitment to the full breadth and depth of the Catholic tradition and to the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church.


Integratus will publish interdisciplinary scholarship from various mental health fields (e.g., psychology, counseling, social work, marriage and family therapy, counselor education, psychiatry) focused on integrating varying degrees of Catholic spirituality, anthropology, and human formation.

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