Support the CPA Mission
CPA fundraising initiative:
5 key areas are supported:
- Expand Ecclesial outreach and enable CPA’s presence at conferences of key Catholic groups, raising awareness of CPA’s Mission and the challenges facing Catholic mental health professionals practicing in a secular-dominated culture.
- Expand the support and funding of seminarians, religious, clergy, and students by providing discounted membership/resource fees and scholarships to attend annual CPA conferences and events.
- Launch & maintain Integratus– the official journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association integrating faith and mental health.
- Continue development, expansion and engagement of Special Interest Groups, Local Regional Networks, and Chapters, making community & Continuing Education more locally accessible to Catholic mental health professionals.
- Provide funds to rapidly expand the CPA Continuing Education Library and support staff who carry out the administration and management of CPA Membership, continuing education & outreach.