Integratus, the official journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association, is pleased to announce a “Rapid Response” call for manuscript submissions focused on Professional Ethics. This special call for manuscript submissions aims to highlight the development and publication of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association’s first professional ethics code.

Integratus is interested in manuscripts that provide insightful commentary about the new ethics code; describes unique ethical dilemmas and ethical decision-making models at the intersections of Catholic thought and professional practice; future directions of research; and identification of lingering ethical questions and debates for the field to address. 

Manuscript Submission details

1.      Manuscript submissions may be…

  • Clinical, research, professional situations  that apply the ethical code in clinical practice and/or have unique ethical considerations, including how those considerations were addressed and resolved.
  • Analytic commentary about professional ethics in the mental health professions in relation to the Catholic Psychotherapy Associatoin’s new ethical code.
  • Literature review that provides an empirical overview, clinical implications, limitations, and future directions about professional ethics.

2.      Submitted manuscripts will go through the standard review process.

3.      Manuscripts selected for publication will reflect the general standards of Integratus as well as fit with this special call.

***Rapid Response: To respond quickly to the publication of the ethics code, shortened manuscripts are strongly encouraged (5 – 15 double-spaced pages, APA format) while following the other Author Guidelines and Submission Requirements: 


Manuscripts are due by November 1, 2023 and are submitted through the standard, online submission portal:

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