Support the Catholic Psychotherapy Association
We can only operate by generous donations! Your contribution helps us to build community, enhance professional development, advance scholarship and research, expand strategic partnerships and outreach, and grow and engage membership.
The Catholic Psychotherapy Association is a 501(c)(3) organization and is listed in the Official Catholic Directory.
Your gift toward the CPA mission will help support the education and implementation of psychological theory and mental health practice, which encompasses a full understanding of the human person and society in communion with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Your gift is sincerely appreciated and tax-deductible as permitted by law.
Support Our Efforts
Your donation does make a difference. Choose to support our administrations’ efforts to implement the mission of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association.
-Partnership Levels Available-
Support Our Mission
The mission of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association is to support mental health practitioners by promoting the development of psychological theory and mental health practice, which encompasses a full understanding of the human person, family, and society in fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Choose to support these initiatives.

If you would like to donate via check, please mail checks to:
Catholic Psychotherapy Association
828 Smith Avenue, Suite C
Thomasville, GA 31792
For questions regarding donations, please contact:
Nick Murray, Executive Director
What Our Supporters Say
“The Catholic Psychotherapy Association has been a gift to the world and the mental health profession as an island of truth in a sea of confusion regarding the identity and dignity of the human person. Our support of an organization like CPA cannot be more timely and important.” – The Magbalon Family Charitable Foundation
“I have been a member of several divisions of APA for over 30 years, as well as my state association. Within a few short months, the information, spiritual direction and contributions of the CPA listserv far exceeded my expectations and significantly is more directed and contributory to my growth than the other member organizations.” – Terry B. Professional Member
“The community, support, and mentorship that I found in the CPA is why I am still a practicing psychologist. I became very disillusioned with the field after I really began working and felt that truth and God were not welcome in a lot of ways. CPA helped me regain my footing and confidence to work in the world without giving into the pressures to be of the world.” – Kate S. Professional Member