Call for Programs

CPA Call for Programs is now powered by Oxford Abstracts. This enhanced proposal process introduces a number of features that have been requested by CPA Members & presenters, including:
- Edit & Save a Proposal in Progress
- Receive Feedback Directly from Reviewers
- Track the Status of a Proposal
Required Application Components
You will need to upload multiple documents (PDF only); the description below will help you prepare what you need. Additionally, you should have the following required components available and ready before filling out the form and completing the submission:
- Full CV for all presenters. We strongly encourage applicants to refer to the APA Guidance for preparing a CV demonstrating expertise. This resource can be found here: Curriculum Vitae Guidance for Establishing Expertise
- Headshots for all presenters.
- Diversity Statement. We strongly encourage applicants to refer to the APA Guidance for understanding and addressing diversity, which can be found here: Understanding and Addressing Diversity. For CPA’s unique mission, the standards of Division 36 of APA on the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality may be considered.
- Presenter Bios highlighting the expertise and training relevant to the presentation content.
- Addresses for all presenters agreeing to accept a percentage of the honorarium should one be offered.
- Workshop title, description (100 words), detailed schedule, length of the presentation
- Number of CE hours (consistent with the length of the presentation minus breaks)
- Learning Objectives. We request that you refer to APA Guidance for Writing Learning Objectives, which is available here.
- Category of Education and Level of Workshop
- Relationship to APA Ethics Code (for Ethics-related workshops) and/or ACA Ethics Code etc.
- Minimum of five current APA-style references
*Poster presentations are not subject to the CE requirements*
Program Categories
Continuing Education
Workshops: Accepting proposals for 1-6 hour continuing education workshops (Webinars, and Home Study).
Annual Conference: CPA accepts proposals for 90-minute sessions for the annual conference.
Webinars: CPA accepts proposals for stand-alone webinars to be scheduled throughout the year.
Home Study Recordings or Journal Reading: Home study tests are included with the proposal.
Certificate Program: CPA certificate program. Presenters are invited.
This is a peer-review process. The CPA Program Planning Committee and the CPA CE Committee will jointly review all submissions. Applicants may indicate their preference for either an Annual Conference session and/or a stand-alone workshop.
Presenters seeking APA CE endorsement must have a doctoral-level degree (it does not have to be a Ph.D. in Psychology) or equivalent and be presenting in their area of training relevant to psychology. If presenting with a psychology trainee (i.e., doctoral candidate) or a non-doctoral level provider, 50% or more of the workshop must be presented by the doctoral level professional. All presenters must demonstrate their expertise in the topic area regardless of degree. For help in preparing a vita demonstrating your expertise, see: Curriculum Vitae Guidance for Establishing Expertise
Presenters with a terminal master’s degree completed in the US will be considered for CE endorsement for the appropriate sponsorship (NBCC CE endorsement). The CV must also establish expertise in the area of presentation content.
Continuing Education APA/NBCC Sponsor Requirements: As a reminder, the Catholic Psychotherapy Association is approved by the American Psychological Association and the National Board for Certified Counselors to sponsor continuing education for psychologists and/or professional counselors. The Catholic Psychotherapy Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content. As such, programs will be reviewed for appropriateness and quality by the CPA Continuing Education Committee, CPA Program Committee, and, when relevant, a representative from the academic community.
Questions? – Contact Continuing Education at
Continuing Education APA Sponsor Requirements:
Catholic Psychotherapy Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Catholic Psychotherapy Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content..
Continuing Education NBCC Sponsor Requirements:
Catholic Psychotherapy Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7335. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Catholic Psychotherapy Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.