Membership Benefits

CPA & Hallow Partnership
Hallow is the official prayer and meditation app of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association, and our Members receive full access to Hallow Plus, which includes content by CPA Members!

Integratus Subscription
A print (and online) subscription to Integratus: The Journal of the Catholic Psycotherapy Association is included with Clinical, Academic & Student memberships
Education & Training
- Integratus Journal Subscription (Included with Clinical, Academic & Student memberships)
- Enhance your professional knowledge & skills participating in the annual CPA conference with national and world-renowned speakers
- Earn credits via the annual conference and quarterly webinars to fulfill CE requirements for your license (discounted rate with membership)
- Share your scholarly work and contribute to the formation of fellow Catholic mental health professionals by submitting proposals for workshops, webinars, and poster presentations
- Promote your work as a vendor, sponsor and/or advertiser at the annual conferences
- Attend trainings that specifically address ethical integration of Catholic teaching and evidence-based practices
- Learn applications of authentic Christian anthropology and morality within ethical clinical practice
- Increase your holistic understanding of the human person
- Participate in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and discussion forums.
Community & Spirituality
- Immerse yourself in Catholic community, culture, and a shared vision of life and of the human person
- Take advantage of opportunities for spirituality, prayer, an annual retreat, and unity in prayer through Listserv network throughout the year
- Encounter new friendships and a shared sense of mission at the service of the Church and of souls
- Seek and share best practices of integrating our Catholic faith with the calling to serve in a healing profession and to serve the local Church
Mentoring, Referrals & Networking
- Access exclusive CPA member directory (some profiles and sections are viewable via member sign-in only)
- Take advantage of mentoring, consultation, discussion & referral opportunities through Listserv, SIGs, and CPA events
- Participate in your Regional Network, and join or start a Local Chapter
- Experience community, prayer, further integration, sharing of best practices, and professional support through local regions and chapters
- Post and respond to related training, education, and job postings through online forums/Listserv