Integratus, the official journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association, is pleased to announce a special call for manuscript submissions focused on forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a topic of great significance from the perspective of Catholic theology, spirituality, and mental health clinical practice. Forgiveness affects one’s relationships with God, others, and self. The last 30 years has seen exciting growth about forgiveness in the psychotherapy literature. Yet, lingering questions exist such as what is the conceptual interplay between Catholic thought and the mental health theories of forgiveness? Does Catholic thought have a unique contribution to make to the mental health literature about forgiveness? What are the psychological mechanisms of forgiveness that impact symptomatology? How is forgiveness research applied to clinical practice? How does a conceptualization that integrates Catholic thought understand self-forgiveness (e.g., Vitz & Meade, 2011) and its appropriateness to clinical practice?
Integratus is excited to partner with Dr. Milo Milburn and Dr. Timothy Lock on this special call for manuscript submissions, which may address any or all aspects of forgiveness such as forgiving others or self, being forgiven, accepting forgiveness, and Divine forgiveness.
Manuscript Submission details
1. Manuscript submissions may be…
a. Case studies that apply theoretical and evidence-based scholarship of the psychology of forgiveness in clinical practice.
b. Empirical investigation of forgiveness theories, hypotheses, assumptions, and principles.
c. Theoretical, historical reflection, critique, and exploration of integration of psychology of forgiveness with Catholic thought.
d. Literature review that provides an analytic overview, clinical implications, limitations, and future directions.
2. Submitted manuscripts will go through the standard review process as well as editorial overview by Dr. Milo Milburn and Dr. Timothy Lock.
3. Manuscripts selected for publication will reflect the general standards of Integratus as well as fit with this special call.
Author(s) may submit a preliminary abstract to Integratus editors, Drs. Robert Kugelman and Jesse Fox by August 1, 2023. Email address:
Submitted abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words and include a title, author(s) name and contact information, summary of the manuscript idea and explicit description of fit with this special call focused on the psychology of forgiveness.
Full-length manuscripts are due by January 1, 2024 and are submitted through the standard, online submission portal:·
Authors are encouraged to follow the Author Guidelines and Submission Requirements: